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Our Impact

Over the past 10 years, members of Saint Lazarus Canada have raised and contributed approximately $2.7 million to numerous charitable projects.

Caregiver's Guide
Caregiver's Program

Ecumenical Work

Since 1993, Saint Lazarus Canada has established bursaries at 15 post-secondary educational institutions across Canada, providing over $200,000 in financial support to more than 200 students pursuing ecumenical studies at the following colleges and universities:

  1. Toronto School of Theology, University of Toronto (ON)

  2. Atlantic School of Theology, Halifax (NS)

  3. Vancouver School of Theology, University of British Columbia (BC)

  4. Newman Theology College, University of Alberta, Edmonton (AB)

  5. Faculty of Theology, Queen’s University, Kingston (ON)

  6. Faculty of Theology, University of Montreal (QC)

  7. St. Paul’s College, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg (MB)

  8. St. Stephen’s Theology College, University of Alberta (AB)

  9. Huron Theology College, University of Western Ontario, London (ON)

  10. Queen’s College, St. John’s, Newfoundland (NL)

  11. Thornloe School of Theology, Laurentian University (ON)

  12. University of Alberta, Calgary (AB)

  13. Laval University, Quebec City (QC)

  14. McGill University, Montreal (QC)

  15. Martin Luther Bursary, Waterloo University/Wilfred Laurier University (ON)

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